- Ko Mataatua te waka
- Ko Tawhiau te maunga
- Ko Raingiteiki te awa
- Ko Ngati Manawa te iwi
- Ko Ngati Whare te hapu
- Ko Rangitahi te marae
- Ko Tangiharuru te tangata
With over 30 years involvement in the game, Phillips passion has seen him take on many roles; Technical Director for Coerver Coaching NZ, a consultant for Oceania Football Confederation and not to mention his ability to connect with players of all ages both male and female. Phill comes from an English, Maori and Pasifika background and his passion for the game has seen him commit time, resource and himself to create opportunities to grow the game for Maori and Pasifika peoples.
Ko te kore whaia te mutunga, whaia te mutunga